素食調節平衡身體 (Vegetarian adjust the balance of the body)
摘要: 肥胖(Obesity)已經不在是陌生的名詞。在21世已成爲全球各地人類的一種普遍症狀。2014年世界衛生組織(WHO)做了世界性的統計報告,報告顯示每三個成年人中就有一個肥胖者。而現今的小孩成了新一代的肥胖症病患者,地 ...
Obesity a term people already get used to it. In 21stcentury obesity become one type of sickness. A statistic report which conducts by WHO (World Health Organizations) show at least 1 adult in 3 people is suffering obesity. Children are as a new member join into this list. The health of humankind is getting worse.
Cause of obesity:
1)基因遺傳 Genetic
2)飲食過量 Over eating
3)生成代謝 Slow metabolism
4)高熱量食物進取 Over carbohydrate intake
5)少運動 Less workout
6)藥物 Medication
7)心理因數 Psychology
8)疾病 Illness
Over eating and carbohydrate intake become major reason causes of obesity. Moreover it may also suffer with high sugar level, blood pressure (hypertension), and high cholesterol.
Usually people control with medication to lower down the level, however there are not Know that continuous with medication intake do led to new symptoms like Diabetes, Stroke, heart diseases and etc.
Kidney is major organ held in decomposing the medication for controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol. As the intake of medic slightly increase time to time, kidney no longer able to hold the normal process anymore, which reach to organ failure and new illness arise.
Normally those medical practitioners would suggest control via diet and medication. Unfortunately the result is vary as human is hard to adjust their diet habit, unless it reach to critical stage. But it’s too late in this situation, prevention is better than cure are not particular anymore.
其中研究報告顯示,採取素食者,大大提升了病患者體内的新成代謝,身體所需要消耗的能量大大減少,體内細胞分解變得更加容易,體内能夠真正吸收食物提供的營養。除此之外心理研究者也參與研究素食者情緒指數發現,很多文明病如 憂鬱症,焦慮症,憤怒症,過渡緊張在素食身上是偏低的。而且生活姿態偏向正面比較多。
World scientist, Nutritionist, physician find out that the best way to overcome obesity is via vegetarian practice. As the research highlighted benefit like metabolism increasing, decreasing of energy consumption and better nutrition absorbing in a body of Vegan. Moreover those psychology researcher who participate in this research, discover most of emotion illness of modern people like depression, anxiety, anger, over tension are low among the vegetarian practitioners. Their life style is more toward to positive.
As the human civilization become auspicious, luxurious of item substance,the lifestyle of human is entering to decrease position. Obesity is the best example for this explanation.
2015年04月01日 15:47(個人感悟 僅供参考) (For personal reference only)